
Side-hustling coach mums

Say Goodbye to that Soul-Sucking Job!

Go from full-throttle frenzy to boss-lady bliss in 12 months (or less)

Do you desperately want to quit your day job?

Have you thrown yourself (and your money) at building a sideline coaching business, only to end up broke and exhausted?

How to find freedom...

I’m going to show you how to abandon the blueprints and cookie-cutter approach, and (finally!) embrace the business and life that you’ve been dreaming of.

You’ve probably been through crap and back to get here… to discover something you’re passionate about… to do work that you feel so deeply connected to.

You know deep down in your soul that this coaching thing is for you.

But when you first embarked on this adventure, it was fun … even effortless.

Sadly, it hasn’t felt like that for a while now…

Before the sun comes up, you’re marketing on social media.

You don’t really know what you’re doing, but you’re certainly doing a lot of it.

After the sun goes down, you’re doing coaching calls with clients.

This is the part you love most … when your mind is not consumed with grocery lists, thoughts of cooking dinner and folding mountains of laundry, and chasing overdue client payments.

And between sunrise and sunset?

You’re a disengaged worker

right now, your boss is pretty much paying you to Google: ‘How to grow my coaching business.

You’re a distracted mother
Your eyes are locked on your phone and your head unconsciously nods, while your kids share the news of their day…
“Uh-huh … mhhhmm… that’s lovely, darling”.

You’re a distant wife
Romance? Um… does not snoring count??

You’re feeling overwhelmed and constantly questioning yourself:
How much longer do I have to keep this up?
Why aren’t more people hiring me?
What’s wrong with me?

Caring for your family while trying to piecemeal your dream business together is hard.


Let's be real.

it’s totally exhausting … physically, mentall and emotionally. Oh, and it also places the guilt of the entire world squarely on your shoulders.

The dream of doing work you love feels like it’s slipping through your fingers … worse than that, it’s turning into a nightmare

Don’t let go of that dream, just yet!

You’re not delusional!

What you’re dreaming of exists … and it’s within your reach!

You CAN put an end to demoralizing pricing negotiations…

You REALLY CAN have effortless sign-ups for your programme…

And YES!  You truly can have a waitlist of perfect clients.

And if you really want it, you can also have an awesome Instagram feed with 10K followers, and the busy and buzzing Facebook group that’s filled with ideal clients.

But these things are merely means to an end, aren’t they?

What you really desire is a life of joyful abundance.

12-hour work weeks with a splash of fame, anyone?

How amazing would it be to effortlessly attract soulmate clients, simply by sharing your story on social media… and in your Amazon best-selling book?

Can you hear it??  ‘Celebrated Expert’ status is calling your name…

Features in articles and magazines… TV interviews… even your very own show!

The gourmet life of fabulous fashion and fine food … and some famous friends too.

But it’s about so much more than that, isn’t it?

You want to live life on your own terms.

You want to have control over your work… you want to have boundaries, and be able to switch off from work whenever you want to, and you want to be fully present with your children and your spouse.

And you want to be released from the guilt… all of it!

to sit through hours of pointless office meetings.


to be at home with your sick child.


for running a little late, because your son had a last-minute meltdown about going to school in ‘this shirt”.


Oh, to be emotionally balanced and focused on your own personal growth… to work with a coach who holds you accountable to being your most free and fabulous self – so you can be the most amazing coach for your own clients.

You dream of better things.

Sipping on a Virgin Pina Colada on a beach in the Maldives, as the waves gently wash over your feet … deep breaths of satisfied happiness.

When your thoughts drift toward work, it’s with gratitude for the amazing systems and virtual support team that keep your business running smoothly, even when you’re not around.

Each new coaching client receives a copy of your best-selling book

Interviews for high profile publicity pieces are regularly scheduled

Invitations to feature as a guest expert in other coaches’ programmes flood in…

Your own programmes are fully booked, and the waiting list for future programmes continues to fill up with dream clients who pay far in advance to work with you.

And then you wake up from that dream all over again...

So many obstacles to overcome!

For starters, your prices are too low – way too low to allow you to quit your job.


But every time you consider raising your prices, your old money stories rear their ugly heads and start spitting excuses at you:

  • Who am I to charge that much?
  • Not everyone has money to spend on coaching
  • I’m not as good as these other coaches who have been doing it for years
  •  If I’m cheaper I’ll naturally get more clients, right?

And you ARE getting clients!!


They’re just not the type of clients who show up … or actually do the work… so they don’t get to taste the amazing transformation you’re able to facilitate… or provide you with the great testimonials that will help you grow your business.

But they don’t quite get it, do they? They think this new-found passion is just a phase – like you don’t have a deep-rooted connection to coaching??

But you believe in yourself … most of the time, anyway.

You know what you want for your life … It’s just difficult to stay focused on that.

You keep hearing about how you need to invest in yourself.

You’re open to that, but there’s just so much to learn… so much to do.

Trying to figure out social media marketing,, website integrations, landing pages, sequences, product launches and list building, SEO and RSS feeds…

You’re a pretty decent multi-tasker, but this is multidimensional multi-tasking.

So much for the whole “just hop on a Zoom call with potential clients” idea!

Maybe you should just hire someone to handle all the behind the scenes stuff…

But how do you even afford that?? … Oh, hello again, old money blocks!

And  there is so much noise online, and so much conflicting information.

How are you supposed to know what really works?

Who can you trust to deliver on what you need?

Will any of those ‘silver bullets’ REALLY work for your business??

You’re asking all the right questions!

(And you have every right to be doubtful!!)

But they don’t quite get it, do they? They think this new-found passion is just a phase – like you don’t have a deep-rooted connection to coaching??

I’ve purchased a full lorry load of courses and coaching programmes.

Most of them didn’t line up with the glowing testimonials at the bottom of the page.

Confession:  I felt like a total dimwit, when I couldn’t make them work for me.

When I finally mustered the courage to speak up, my fears of looking stupid were validated:

 “This is the best way”

“Well, it works for everyone else”

But I wasn’t trying to build a business for everyone else. I was trying to build a business for me! I wanted to do it in a way that was best for me.

Perhaps you can relate?

If your journey has been anything like mine…

You’ve bought a bunch of “success blueprints” that just left you in the red.

You could fill a few kitchen cupboards with all those cookie-cutter courses.

It’s like stepping into a high street store, in search of the perfect dress – but then being informed that they only have one dress … in one colour … in one very large size.

You feel like a little girl playing dress up … clonking around in mommy’s oversized shoes, with clown make-up to match.

You’re not building a business for everyone else.

You’re building a business for you!

You should be able to do it in a way that suits you!!

You’re asking all the right questions!

(And you have every right to be doubtful!!)

But they don’t quite get it, do they? They think this new-found passion is just a phase – like you don’t have a deep-rooted connection to coaching??


I’ve purchased a full lorry load of courses and coaching programmes.

Most of them didn’t line up with the glowing testimonials at the bottom of the page.


Confession:  I felt like a total dimwit, when I couldn’t make them work for me.

When I finally mustered the courage to speak up, my fears of looking stupid were validated:


 “This is the best way”

“Well, it works for everyone else”


But I wasn’t trying to build a business for everyone else. I was trying to build a business for me! I wanted to do it in a way that was best for me.


Perhaps you can relate?


If your journey has been anything like mine…


You’ve bought a bunch of “success blueprints” that just left you in the red.


You could fill a few kitchen cupboards with all those cookie-cutter courses.


It’s like stepping into a high street store, in search of the perfect dress – but then being informed that they only have one dress … in one colour … in one very large size.


You feel like a little girl playing dress up … clonking around in mommy’s oversized shoes, with clown make-up to match.


You’re not building a business for everyone else.


You’re building a business for you!


You should be able to do it in a way that suits you!!

I spent a fortune on trying to self-tailor a perfectly-fitting business.

​The good news is, you don’t have to do that

No two business journeys are alike

According to Neuroscience research, no two brains are the same.

Your brain is 100% unique in the way it works.

It finds, filters and files information like no other brain on the planet.

If your brain is unique, shouldn’t your business journey be unique too?

According to the band Train, there are only ‘50 Ways to Say Goodbye’.

But I’m here to tell you that there are 50 million different ways to say goodbye to the job you hate, and hello to the life and business that you love.

Wherever you might be now … wherever you want to go…

Your journey can be designed and tailored to perfectly fit you.

Are you ready to be 100% YOU in your business?

If you are ready, then…

I want to invite you into a self-directed & in-your-own-time business growth experience.

Together we’ll curate the knowledge, systems and processes that best align with your ambitions and aspirations, and weave them together in a way that perfectly fits you.

You don’t need to have all your ducks in a row

Crap and unproductive days are welcomed.

Bring on the bathrobes and bird’s nest hair!

Take time out to catch your breath WITHOUT feeling guilty.

Ask a million questions without feeling stupid or attention-grabbing.

In fact, you’ll be encouraged to explore different options and avenues – pointed in the right direction, and connected to the people who have the answers you’re looking for.

It’s 100% YOU… in YOUR business … in a way that works for YOU.

Let’s create a business that makes you look and feel so amazing, and produces such a joyful abundance in your life, that other coaches stick you up on their vision boards.

Let that sink in for a moment:

You get to be the new standard of success.

I had absolutely no idea…

How do I create a programme?
How much should I charge?
Who are my ideal clients … where do I find them
How do I get featured on podcasts or in magazines?
How do I become a best-selling author?

Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. Coaching directories. Local networking meetings. I tried to be everywhere at once… frantically spinning all the plates, all the time.

But if I didn’t push myself, the life I wanted would slip away from me.

I might have to admit the truth that this wasn’t working… that NOTHING was working, so…

I invested in a business coach.  

Problem solved, right?

Not quite… My coach didn’t have the same goals as me.

She didnt want to be a best selling author or be featured in the media, so I spent hours looking for answers elsewhere … and paying dearly for them.

But nothing was quite fitting together for me.

I was going around in circles … constantly fighting against what came naturally to me, trying desperately to stick to the rules and follow the processes….

“Follow the formula!”

“Stick to the script!”

But, no matter how many puzzles I was presented with, there always seemed to be a missing piece … and I was becoming exasperated.

That most important missing piece of the puzzle was me!!

I could spend a fortune on learning other people’s stuff, but if I didn’t figure out how to tailor it to my own personality, lifestyle and ambitions, none of it would work for me.

What I needed was to tailor my business around me… rather than try to squeeze myself into some ugly 1980s dress that wasn’t my size or my colour.

I needed my business to be a natural extension of who I am.

I wanted to create my own path – intuitive, easy and enjoyable to follow.

And so that’s exactly what I did.

Want to know the secret?

Nobody does their best work under obligation.

Nobody is successful under obligation.

Building a successful business needs to FEEL good! 

Here’s why some of my clients feel good...

I had a 1-1 session with Tabassum as I knew my business lacked structure because I was lacking inspiration.  She talked me through small daily steps that can help me start my day the right way and different processes I can do throughout the day.  We had a chat about how different areas of her program would aid my journey to reach my goal.  

I felt connected to Tabassum like she understood my struggles as she had overcome similar struggles in her own business.  Since joining the programme, all (five! of my sideline) businesses have bloomed.  

The biggest thing I found was structuring my content on social media, I will often bug her about guiding me through social media and she has always been super supportive and given me constructive criticism and structure when needed.  I feel so very lucky we crossed paths.


Just wanted to let you know how much your business course is helping me already only 3 weeks in.  I found that I was not clear with my branding and felt really disconnected from it.  After completing the branding section I have chosen a theme to suit my personality and brand.  I have redone my logo and website and the feedback is amazing.  Looking forward to delving into more of the course.

~Noshiela, Noshiela Noor Coaching

(This coach went on to make 5 figures very shortly after this feedback)

Thank you so much for this course as a newly qualified coach I was feeling so overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start.  I have always had a job and so this world is new to me, the content has really helped me in focusing on what is important in setting up the business and getting to grips with the detail that goes in it…. Amazing course 

~Isma, Kids Coaching 4 You

Just would like to say thank you, your course is amazing, so much value…. Just what I need to get started – so much awesome content and I had no idea all the little things to take into consideration so I could launch a professional coaching business. Thank you so much.


I am absolutely loving this programme, it’s really helped me be so much clearer on branding, marketing, ideal clients and structuring my programs.  I have never really been able to connect to my vision before but now I am loving being able to visualize and connect to my business, and the goals I want to achieve.

~Aniela, Hidden Gems Coaching

And now I’m inviting you to feel good too!


Be You in Business!

A 6-month business incubator for side-hustling coach mums who are ready to abandon the blueprints and cook-cutter courses, and embrace a business that’s  perfectly-tailored to their individual personalities, passions and priorities.

12 x 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions

During fortnightly fittings, we’ll measure out the fabric of your desires and aspirations; pin it with your personality and passion, and hand-stitch the systems and structures that fit you perfectly as a coach and business owner.

Lifetime Access to Business YOUniversity

This A-class curriculum covers everything from success mindset to marketing, and the modules can be taken in any order you choose… because why should you have to wait 6 weeks for that one thing you really need to know right now??  


Business YOUniversity also includes exclusive trainings, tools and templates from my inner circle of elite coaches, consultants and marketers.

Meet your Forever-Business-Besties You Never Knew You Had

Be inspired + encouraged + supported + celebrated, by a community of awesome humans who have embarked on the same journey toward self-tailored success.

Are you ready to Be (uniquely) You in Business?

Style your own success for a once-off investment of £5,997

Here! Let me pull back the curtain, and offer you a peek at each of the modules:

Module 1

- Mindset Body & Soul

Mindset accounts for 80% of your success in business.

How you think and FEEL about yourself, your business and your work matters.

Did you know that there is a physiology of success?

In this module we explore the operating habits, intentions and mindset that lead to a physiology of success – i.e a physical embodiment of success.

You’ll gain clarity on where you want to go, and how to get there;

You’ll set new goals that are in alignment with your soul-driven purpose, and develop a simple and robust plan for achieving those goals;and

You will establish self-care rituals that sustain your energy and enthusiasm.

Module 2

- Getting Started

Some of the most foundational factors for coaching business success  are also the most overlooked.

The things that people don’t really think about when they decide to start their own business … who is your ideal client; who am I going to serve; what is my niche; and how am I actually going to put that into practice in a way that helps me show up on a daily basis … and do the things that allow me to build what will ultimately become a business, but feels effortless.

How to recognise your ideal client and who NOT to work with.

Understanding your messaging and who you are serving.

What your ultimate goals are with your business, why are you connected to them, understanding who your ideal client is and why speaking to them will keep you passionate about your purpose.

We will cover things like your big vision, how to start your day for success, and nailing your niche so that people who connect with you will recognize what you do and why you do it.

This will include:

  • Planning a vision board
  • Building a morning routine
  • Planning
  • How to nail your niche
  • Cut through the overwhelm
  • Daily actions / morning routine / planning day, week and month
  • Focusing on the activities that move the needle

Organisation, clarity, structure to your day and your business, taking action with small focused steps that help you reach your bigger goals.

Module 3

- Branding

Learn how to build a recognizable professional brand that is timeless and connected to your story.



This will include:

  • How you find your personal brand
  • Your branding photography
  • Nazia Mumtaz … Tabassum’s own award-winning photography
  • Attraction marketing
  • 80/20 people connecting to your as a person
  • Disconnected … values … colours …

…new depths of understanding of what creates a brand, the details and components that go into creating a logo, branding colours and why it should be deeply connected to you and your ideal client.

Taking your branding to a whole new level, personalising it in such a way that is signature to only you, understanding what your brand values are, using key elements, colours and photography to speak your brand story.

Branding yourself that is recognisable, different and from your core values, how you get to stand out from the crowd, get noticed, look professional and polished.

Module 4

- Free Lead Generation Using Social Media

Understanding how to create a sales funnels and use all the free social media outlets to get you paying clients

learn the art of storytelling, creating content that has an emotional connection with your target audience, the art of conversations from a place of authenticity, the creation of sales funnels and how they work for you before you invest a penny in ads.


This will include:

  • Intro to Facebook and Instagram
  • Storytelling / Emotional connection / Creating Content
  • Prospecting 101
  • How to have meaningful conversations and build authentic relationship
  • Sales Funnels: What is a sales funnel, how it works, and why it matters

Module 5

- Building An Email List

Your net worth is your network and without social media the email list would be the next best thing!  It is a way of building on the know like and trust factor of your ideal clients – people buy from people who are like them and people buy from people they like.




How to create an email list of engaged subscribers who look forward to your emails.

You will learn all about building an email list. This is a great way for people to get to know you and nurture relationships as well as launch your key offerings to that list.

This will include:

  • Attracting the right clients
  • How to get the reader’s attention
  • Your lead magnet
  • Solving the problem
  • Headlines that ramp up open rates

Cut through the overwhelm.

Simplify the process of creating an email list, understand how to use subject headings so they don’t just sit in your audiences inbox, learn how to create content even if you don’t have anything much to share, learn how and when to launch your key offerings.

You will love to write your email and send it out and start to build really amazing relationships.

Module 6

- Getting Visible

This is all about learning how to work with the media to gain exposure as an expert in your niche. So that you become the authority and the go-to coach.

Want to be Famous?  Then this is the module for you! This helps you stand out from the crowd and shows how to get media and PR coverage with ease.

Understanding how PR works for you, how to position your self as an expert for media, Position your business in a book.

Learn how people can get to know you, illustrating your values, get people to know, like and trust you, the opportunity to share your story, how to become an amazon best seller.

This will include:

  • Visibility and PR
  • Position Your Business in A Book
  • Going Live
  • My Personal Experience

How to share your story and make you PR’able including how to write a media bio and how to share your story so you can feature in magazines, tv and radio. 

Build relationships with the public and understand how you can increase your reach, impact and visibility by adding to your credibility.  Make more impact and share your story, make money through a new income stream.

Module 7

- Sales

Sales is what will drive your business to success.

Transformational selling and what your feelings are around sales and selling can really make or break your business.  You will learn about the magical door to Narnia where all your high ticket clients are hanging out.

Understand the psychology of selling and also how to get rid of your sales limiting beliefs, learn how to stop under charging and over delivering.

How to make sales with ease, what to say and NOT to say on a sales call, defining a sales call.  Learn how you can create a sales strategy to reach your income goals.

This will include:

  • Selling with soul
  • Soul mates … faith and expectation … manifestation
  • Your sales vision
  • Consistency
  • Transformational selling
  • That magical door to Narnia


…the magical gateway to high paying clients

Learn how to make sales with ease and the different ways you can include income streams and opportunities into your business.

Help you figure out where all your high paying ideal clients hang out, what to say to them, and learning how to make sales that align with your values and make the money you want to make.

Module 8

- The Mindset Upgrade

Instead of looking at new ways of doing things learn what you have already been doing that can help you hit your next income goal.

Stay away from shiny object syndrome.

So you have launched your business and now you’re ready to upgrade and uplevel, learn what works best when you want to upgrade your income.

This module will cover what you need to stay on top of your game when you start upleveling your business, your mindset, and all the new breakthroughs that will follow.

This will include:

  • Staying high vibe
  • Feeling the fear … and doing it anyway
  • Persistency and consistency
  • Commitment to improvement


Success leaves clues … repeating the cycles that previously produced results

You will experience how to play on your strengths and repeat that process to improve your income and your impact!

Understanding what already works well in your business, understand how to utilise your strengths and work on your mindset whilst upleveling, staying persistent and commitment, having a long term plan.

Module 9

- Coaching Models

Understand the different types of coaching programs you can set up, create a transformational experience and position your program.  Learn how you get to run your business the way that fits you best.

How to set up different coaching programs including group, online only, 1-1 coaching.

When do you change from a 1-1 business to a group model, what is included in the group and what isn’t, how much do you charge? 

All these questions are answered in this module.

This will include:

  • Discovery call
  • Discovery call being different to a sales call
  • Transformation over a call …demonstrate value vs pitching value
  • Delivering a small experience of value vs pushing value
  • What to charge
  • Not giving too much away
  • Talking about pricing

Create the ideal structured program that your clients are looking for so you can sell your…

 understand that there is more to coaching then 1-1, and fill your pipeline so you never run out of clients.

Module 10

- How To Create Passive Income (launching soon)

Passive income is important because it creates stability, security, and freedom in your financial life. Additionally, since passive income is not limited by your time and effort, it can have a positive, and significant, effect on your ability to build wealth.

This will include:



  • Launches and challenges
  • Tripwires
  • Evergreen/ automated offers /
  • Sales pages
  • Group coaching
  • Passive income
  • How to make more impact

Live your laptop lifestyle doing something you love with minimal effort and energy, but with more impact and more money.

Module 11

- Paid Advertising (launching soon)

Most people don’t maximise the impact of paid ads because they don’t know how to how and when to use a smaller ad budget to help them get more eyes on their business.

When and how to use paid ads effectively in your business.

Learn about ad spend, pixels, collaborations working as ad space, when to spray and pay and when to pray, getting the best out of a small budget, what are look a like audiences and how to use them to benefit your business and bring in more revenue.

This will include:

  • Ad spend
  • Pixels
  • Collaborations working as ad space
  • When to spray and pray, and when to pay
  • Getting the most out of a small budget
  • Look-alike audiences

You will learn how and when to run paid ads, so you can maximize your ad budget to grow your audience and have more revenue coming through the door.

Module 12

- Podcasts (launching soon)

Podcasts are a great marketing avenue which are currently free and relatively low cost to set up.  It also provides a space for collaborations and monetisation.  It’s also a great alternative to video if this isn’t how you want to lead in your business.

By 2024 it is estimated there will be 100 million podcast listeners in the US alone – thats a huge audience you can market to, currently completely for free.

How to curate and launch a podcast, without technical overwhelm, simplified and get clear on your messaging.

Break through your limitations of tech when it comes to setting up a podcast, get on all the streaming channels within just a few weeks especially for spotify and apple podcasts

Looking for something more affordable?

Is the price tag leaving a lump in your throat?

I’m not insecure about the value on offer here… remember: I’ve personally spent a small fortune on coaching and mentorships, and I know what’s out there.

You’re more likely to win the lottery than to enrol in a reputable mastermind for less than £10,000 … and to have a single 1-on-1 session with every expert who has contributed to Be You in Business, you’d spend another £15,000.

But I know what it’s like to be walking past a boutique store, when the dress of your dreams catches your eye and draws you into the store…

… I also know what it feels like to hold that dress against you in the mirror as your eyes sparkle with desire – only to have your fantasies punctured by the price tag.

So if you’re not able to bankroll a fully bespoke business creation,I want to offer you something a little more off-the-shelf (and affordable):

Be You in Business! (But on a budget)

This is NOT a custom-tailored business success programme.
It does NOT include 12 individual coaching sessions with me.

But it does include:

You don’t need to say a teary goodbye to the boutique business you’ve been dreaming of…

You can still Be You in Business (But on a Budget) for only £2497.

This investment pales in comparison to the high cost of staying on the side-hustle rollercoaster: 

Spinning ALL the business plates late into the night failing as a mother and a wife… burning the dinner and forgetting to check the homework, while your house looks like it had a run-in with a wrecking ball (again!).

It’s also a lot cheaper than attracting more energy vampire clients, who suck the life out of you and drive you batshit crazy… feeling like the biggest 

How much is the investment?



12 Business YOUniversity modules


Lifetime Access to Business YOUniversity


Online Community


Group Coaching Sessions


12 Personalised fitting sessions 12 sessions 1-2-1 coaching calls.






12 Business YOUniversity modules

Lifetime Access to Business YOUniversity

Online Community

Group Coaching Sessions




12 Business YOUniversity modules

Lifetime Access to Business YOUniversity

Online Community

Group Coaching Sessions

12 Personalised fitting sessions 12 sessions 1-2-1 coaching calls.



How much fuel do you have left in your tank?


You’ve endured the grueling pace of side-hustle coaching life.

Like a wild woman, you’ve weaved between the lanes of disengaged worker and late night hustler, distracted mother and disant wife … swerving back and forth, in a high-speed pursuit of your coaching business dream.

But you’d be the first to admit you’re running on two flat tyres … and the engine light is flashing.

You know it’s just a matter of time before you run out of fuel.

And what happens when you do?  Will you quit?

Did you sacrifice so much … your health, your family, so much time and money, just so you could abandon your soul’s calling … so you could stay trapped in a soul-sucking job that pays you just enough to remain stuck in a life of lack?

Listen to me, friend!

This doesn’t have to end in a flaming heap of failure.

12 Business YOUniversity modules

How much fuel do you have left in your tank?

If you’re still here reading this, Be You in Business is probably for you.

But perhaps you’re still feeling anxious about the investment…

Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve been burned by costly coaching programmes that failed to deliver on their many big promises, and your memory of that disappointment (and wasted money!) has you feeling conflicted… Deep down you know you need this, but you’re still nervous. I’ve been there… I know exactly what you’re going through.

I also know that making this investment needs to feels good in your body

That’s why I’m including my

Total Satisfaction 7-Day Money Back-Guarantee

When you invest in Be You in Business today, you’ll have a full week to roam the hallways of Business YOUniversity and explore the value on offer.

This gives you some time to check in with yourself; to make sure that this feels good in your body; and to reassure yourself that you’ve made the right decision.

And if for some reason you are not 100% convinced that Be You In Business will

help you build a thriving coaching business that is perfectly tailored to your unique personality, passions and preferences – and allows you to quit your soul-sucking job within 12 months – then simply send me an email within 7 days, and I will refund you your entire investment….

No guilt trips, hustling or haggling – and I will still love and celebrate you.

Copyright Tabassum 2021 | Privacy Policy

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